FAA L-801A LED Airport Rotating Beacon in Saudi Arabia #airport #aerodro...

What Are Airport Beacons?
Airport beacons (also known as “airport rotating beacons” or “aerodrome beacons”) are like lighthouses for pilots.

Their primary purpose is to flash bright lights and mark the location of an airport at night or in low visibility.

You’ll usually find airport beacons mounted on tall structures (like control towers) so that they’re visible above other airport buildings.

Airport beacons are most effective when seen from one to ten degrees above the horizon but can also be spotted from other angles.

They use a bright omnidirectional flashing strobe or (more commonly) rotating lights that simulate flashes, like a lighthouse.

For more details:
Phone/WhatsApp: +0086-13929493960
Email: sophia@chendongtech.com
Website: http://www.cdt-en.com/
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