ICAO Compliant Heliport Lighting Solutions | Heliport Lighting Systems, Heliport lighting is used to make landing and taking off from helipads safer through greater visibility and enhanced information for pilots. This includes windsocks for wind direction and speed, helipad beacons for identifying the pad and perimeter lights for touchdown and lift-off.

Heliport lighting is used to make landing and taking off from helipads safer through greater visibility and enhanced information for pilots. This includes windsocks for wind direction and speed, helipad beacons for identifying the pad and perimeter lights for touchdown and lift-off.

Types of heliport lighting

* TLOF/FATO Perimeter lights - Used to mark the area of a helipad where the helicopter will land and take off from. These should usually be colored green for take-off and landing.

* Floodlights - Used to provide uniform surface lighting where the TLOF and FATO lights need to be supplemented with floodlighting.

* Wind Cone - An internally lit L-806 or L-807 helicopter windsock for nighttime flights, provides a visual indication of wind direction and velocity.

* Approach lights - Indicate the preferred direction of approach in the area around the helipad.

* Obstruction lights - These should be used to mark any potential obstacles around the helipad.

* Aiming point lights - Should form a pattern of six, evenly spaced, omnidirectional white lights in a triangle.

* Heliport beacon - A bright flashing light that indicates the location of the helipad. Should be provided when long-range visual guidance is necessary or identifying the heliport is difficult due to surrounding lights.

Ensuring the correct heliport lighting is installed is a key safety feature for your helipad or helideck.

All our fixtures are available using a standard 110-230VAC supply or can be configured for a constant current supply of 6.6Amps from a CCR, and also available for self-contained solar-powered heliport lights with integrated solar and battery systems, which means it can be installed in locations that do not have access to reticulated power - allowing safe illumination without the need to lay costly cabling or utilize generators.

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CDT offers a wide range of heliport and helipad lighting systems. From portable/temporary helipad lights, to complete packages, to NVG-friendly LED, and solar.