Heliport Remote Lighting Controller permits pilots to turn on heliport light utilizing their existing aircraft VHF 118000HZ – 135975HZ radio when flying to a heliport.

Heliport Remote Lighting Controller permits pilots to turn on heliport light utilizing their existing aircraft VHF 118000HZ – 135975HZ radio when flying to a heliport.

For more details:
Phone/WhatsApp: +0086-13929493960  
Email: sophia@chendongtech.com             
Website: http://www.cdt-en.com/   
#heliportlight #helipadlighting #controller



LED Internally Illuminated Windsock with Integrated Aviation Obstruction Light gives helicopter pilots a highly visible indication of wind speed and direction during landing and take-off in all weather and light conditions.

Heliport Acquisition Beacon, flashing an omnidirectional white Morse Code “H” (group of 4 flashes), for the identification of heliports in difficult surroundings or to provide long-range guidance to the heliport and assist landing.

CDT offers a wide range of heliport and helipad lighting systems. From portable/temporary helipad lights, to complete packages, to NVG-friendly LED, and solar.